Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
God Himself calls for the people to trust in Him and know that He is God, for He will be exalted throughout the earth. With no doubt, this had to greatly encouraged the people of Jerusalem. This has also been a source of comfort and strength to saints of all ages. God has sent out the call for a silent trust in His saving power, in anticipation of His present peace. Every fear is stilled, every anxiety quieted. His people can relax. He is God. His cause is victorious. With the knowledge of this blessed truth, we can be calm in time of trouble. There are storms blowing outside today. We are living in a mean and wicked world. Tremendous changes are taking place in our culture. God tells us to be calm in the time of storm. Christ, you remember, was in a storm with His disciples, and He went to sleep. When they roused Him from His sleep, He had more trouble calming the disciples than He had calming the storm. Many of us are just like those men. The call for a silent trust in God’s saving power, in anticipation of receiving total peace, has been a source of comfort and strength.
God can be trusted. Do you truly believe that He is trustworthy today? He is faithful to protect and provide for His people. Listen, even when you are not getting what you want, God can be accomplishing what He wants. Storms in this life are inevitable. Seasons of disappointment and failure are simply a part of this fallen world. But greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. God has given to you His Holy Spirit to be with you and to instruct you in the way you should behave. Just as Jesus was sleeping in the boat during the storm, you and I can rest in our storm, knowing God is in control. I challenge you this week, to stand your ground and place all of your trust in God. Believe that He is at work in your life and that He is working tirelessly behind the scene to bring you safely through whatever it is you are going through. Praise Him at all times and trust Him to calm the wind and the waves in your life. Be found by Him as one who has great faith in Him and little fear in the storm. Remember, God is bigger and stronger than anything you may be going through right now. May God bless you and keep you as you place your trust in Him.