Hebrews 13:16 – But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Praise is not the only sacrifice that pleases God. (see vs. 15) We also please God with sacrifice when we do good and share. Praise and worship are important, but the Christian’s obligation does not end there. Notice, the writer of Hebrews is reminding us all to look for any opportunity to care for others or to meet the needs of someone else. You see, it is so easy to be focused on only your own needs and your own concerns. But as a follower of Jesus Christ, you are to put others first and put others needs before your own needs. These are the sacrifices you can offer to God that are well pleasing to Him. So don’t forget to look around for those small ways to help someone else out. God helps us focus on others, so we won’t be overcome by accumulating things only for ourselves. Never forget that Jesus gave all He had for you. He even gave His very own life, so that you could live.


So, your challenge this week is simple, create the habit of remembering others in your life. Here is a good way to start. Do you have a To Do List or a Task List that helps you accomplish the things you want to get done throughout the day? If so, great! If not, I suggest you start one. Then, I encourage you to add a section on that list that is “Others” focused? This is a place that will have items on there like, send Sally a thank you card, buy Bill a gift certificate, talk to Tim about getting together or pray for Paula’s surgery. Then when you look at your list you will be reminded to show others how much you care for them. We are to be on the lookout for occasions where we can give spontaneous help to someone in need. God finds great pleasure in these types of sacrificial responses.