2 Corinthians 1:24 – Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand.
It was not that Paul wanted to lord over the believers Christian faith. He in no way wanted them to think of him as a dictator. But rather, he and his companions were simply helpers of their joy, that is, he only wanted to do what would assist them in their Christian growth and ultimately add to their enjoyment in serving the Lord. Many churches today set up pastors as those who have dominion over their congregations, the true call of ministry is not to control people, but to be helpers of other’s joy in humility to point them to Jesus. Paul proclaims that is by faith you stand and by faith alone. Though others may help you in your walk with the Lord, it is by your faith in Jesus solely that you stand firm in Him.
Think of all the people that have influenced and helped your relationship with God. Men and women that have a heart to come along side you and guide you in your life regarding spiritual things. Without those people God allowed in your life you would not be the person you are today. Your challenge this week is to be the kind of person that pours into others lives and seeks the best for them. Who in your circle of influence needs a pick me up? Who is it you know that needs to be encouraged? Take some time this week and get together with those individuals that have been feeling a bit beat up by the world. Be a fellow worker to someone this week and increase their joy by spending time with them. God wants to use you this week. Let Him and see how you can change someones countenance from being hopeless to being joyful. God bless you.