Psalm 111:10 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
We can praise Him for the wisdom that will come. You see, the fear of the Lord means we are so in love with our Father that we are afraid to do anything that would grieve Him. And it is when we understand this truth that wisdom truly begins. When Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, poured costly oil on Jesus, Judas criticized her for being wasteful. Jesus, however commended her for being insightful. “Let her alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial.” He said (see John 12:7). The disciples walked with Jesus, ate with Him, and listened to Him. Yet even though He said repeatedly that He was going to Jerusalem to die, His words didn’t sink in. They did not comprehend what He was saying. Mary understood what the disciples didn’t. Why? Because she worshiped Him. Those who fear the Lord, those who are in awe of Him, those who spend time with Him will have insight and wisdom in a way others won’t. May we be those who worship Him and then receive wisdom from Him.
Do you find yourself in awe of what God has done in your life? Is the Lord presently at work in your heart to such a degree that you are overtaken with amazement? When you truly stop and consider just how big and how mighty God is, you cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. He is faithful to provide the very air you need to breathe and to survive. He never fails to raise the sun high into the sky every single day. On those days when He seems to be silent and distant, be reminded that He never sleeps and never slumbers. He is working behind the scenes to bring forth what is absolutely best for you in due time. Your challenge for this coming week is to be still and know that He is God and that He loves you with an everlasting love. That, in itself, is more than enough to be in awe of the Lord. Wisdom from God Himself is available to you in your time of need, you simply need to ask Him for wisdom. Acknowledge the awesomeness of your Heavenly Father, and spend time at the feet of Jesus in humble worship of Him. May God bless you always.