1 Timothy 2:1 – Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.

Paul begins this chapter with what he considered to be most important for believers, the power of prayer. What can often become a last resort in our priorities should actually be the first thing we do in any situation. You are to be a person who prays without ceasing. Prayer for all men is both a privilege and an obligation. It is a privilege for us to have an audience with God on behalf of others. We must also feel obligated to pray for others that need to hear the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. The words “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” refer to the various forms of prayer that you are to offer for all men. These terms are likely designed to build on one another for emphasis. It should be noted that thanksgiving should have a prominent place in your prayer life.


Is prayer the first thing you go to when you have a need in your life or when you want to know what your future holds for you? Life should not be lived haphazardly. You must purpose in your heart to have a plan of action for each and every day of your life. There are no guarantees in this life, your time here is limited and you must make the most of every moment God has given to you. I challenge you this week to come to God boldly and pray purposely, asking the Lord to show you His  plan for your day. Believe that, as you ask the Lord, He not only hears your prayer, but He also will answer your prayer according to His deepest desire for your well being. Remember that God is eagerly waiting for your full attention toward Him and He wants to show you the best path for your everyday. The Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to charge all believers with the task of praying to God and asking Him for answers to their problems. That charge continues today and must start in the lives and hearts of all believers. Will you pray for your family, your friends, your enemies and all who need to know Jesus as Savior? If the church will not pray and believe for Him to answer then who will? God bless you always.