John 11:25-26 – Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
Jesus is God, and He has the power of Resurrection and of Life in His hands. This power will be ultimately displayed when the Lord Jesus comes back again to take His people home to heaven. At that time there will be two classes of believers. There will be those who have died in faith, and there will be those who are living at His Return. He comes to the first class as the Resurrection and to the second class as the Life. faith, and there will be those who are living at His Return. He comes to the first class as the Resurrection and to the second class as the Life.
Believing in Jesus means living for Jesus. Living a life that honors God and displays the fact that you want to please Him in every way. Are you living the resurrected life that Jesus has made available to you? The Apostle Paul believed in the resurrection power and his life displayed that fact to all he came in contact with. Your challenge this week is to be bold in your witness for Jesus Christ. Let the power of the cross, the power that raised Jesus from the dead, flow through you and be obvious to others. Does someone you know need to be encouraged in their faith? Then, by all means, you be the one to encourage them today. Is there a coworker or family member that needs to know the truth about their ungodly behavior? Then ask God to give you the strength to speak the truth to them in a loving way that will produce change in their life.
Grace be with you,