December 30, 2018Rob TaylorPsalm 24:1–2 Psalm 24:1–2 [1] The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,The world and those who dwell therein.[2] For He has founded it upon the seas,And established it upon the waters. Download In This Series Prayer For 2024December 31, 2023Rob TaylorEphesians 3:14-21 What’s Gods Word For You In 2023?January 1, 2023Rob TaylorIsaiah 40:8 House Of PrayerJune 13, 2021Rob TaylorIsaiah 56:1–8 Teach Us To PrayJune 6, 2021Rob TaylorLuke 11:1-4 Following Good AdviceJanuary 5, 2020Rob TaylorPhilippians 3:13–14