Hebrews 12:1 – Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

From the mind’s eye, the author pictures these previous champions of faith as spectators from the heavens, cheering us on as we press on to overcome present discouragement as in an athletic competition. Sin can hold us back. But there are also things that may not be sin, but are merely hindrances that can keep us from running effectively the race God has for us. God has set before you a race. You must run it, and it will involve effort and commitment. Being passive never runs or wins a race. God wants us to run the race and to finish it right. Endurance is needed to run that race. The Christian life is a race that requires discipline and endurance. You must strip yourself of everything that would hold you back. Weights are things that may be harmless in and of themselves and yet hinder your progress.


Do you feel as though you are being held back in some way from what God would have for your life? Each of us has a race to run that we must run ourselves. There can be others cheering you on, but you have to run your race. I cannot run your race for you. Your parents cannot run your race for you. Your friends cannot run your race for you. You, yourself are the only one that can run your race. However, there are those who have gone before you, that have paved that way for you to follow. Those faithful saints of years gone by, that have left for you an example of how to run. I challenge you today to give over to the Lord the burden of the sin in your life that is hindering you and holding you back. You cannot run effectively while carrying extra baggage. The smallest of sin in your life will prevent you from running most effectively in your lane. Confess your sin to the Lord, then run for the Lord and let the Lord use your life as an example for others to follow.