Luke 7:9 – When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

This is one of two times in the Gospels when we read that Jesus marveled. He marveled at the faith of this Gentile centurion, and He marveled at the unbelief of Israel (Mark 6:6). No wonder that Jesus marveled at the faith of this Gentile centurion. No one in Israel had made such a bold confession of Jesus’ absolute authority. Such great faith could never go unrewarded. When they got back to the centurion’s house, they found that the servant was completely well.


Do you have great faith? Would the Lord Jesus say these words about your faith today? Jesus is not saying he had a great AMOUNT of faith but rather he had a great QUALITY of faith. Faith that believed the Lord could make a difference in his situation by simply speaking a word. Jesus was impressed by this mans faith. Your challenge this week is to believe that Jesus merely needs to speak a word to your circumstances and they will improve. Do you need the Lord to provide some financial relief? Jesus, speak a word of provision! Do you need Jesus to heal your marriage? Jesus, speak a word of restoration! Do you have many overwhelming responsibilities to meet this week? Jesus, speak a word of strength! Listen, do not doubt this week, rather, believe Jesus can and will speak life into your each and every need. God bless you.