Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
The Psalmist felt that as he walked the road of life, the word of God made his steps clear. He would not know where to step without the guidance of God’s word. This verse reveals two powerful truths that the Word of God does for you. First, the word reveals your current position, by being the lamp and second, the word illuminates the way you must go, being the light to your path. The lamp of the Word is fed with the oil of the Holy Spirit. Not only does the Word of God inform you of His will, but, as a light on a path in darkness, it shows you how to follow the right way and avoid the wrong way. By reading the Word of God you will find the precious promises God has for you, and the blessed hope of your future in heaven with the Lord. God does not leave you in darkness, quite the opposite, He surrounds you with His guiding light. We need the Bible to teach us right from wrong. We certainly do have some inner sense of this in our conscience; but our conscience can be weak, ignorant, or damaged. The word of God is higher even than our conscience, and it teaches our conscience.
How is God’s word been speaking to you lately? What has the Spirit been revealing to you? You see, in order for the word of God to speak to your heart, you must be consistently in the word of God. Your morning devotion will help prepare you for the day ahead and all of its challenges. Listening to the word being taught through radio or podcasts is a great way to further equip you throughout your day. I have friends that listen to podcasts all day long as they go about their work for the day. That consistent feeding of bible teaching, strengthens you year after year. When the end of the day comes, and you prepare to rest for the night, opening up the Bible and reading several verses or chapters, will fill your soul with the Lords truth and help give you rest. My challenge for you this week, is to share with three people how the Word of God is directing your path and guiding you along His way. By sharing this, you will be reinforcing the things God is showing you, and you will be more equipped to follow Him. God bless you.