1 Chronicles 29:11 – Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all.

Do these words sound familiar to you? You will recall that when the disciples asked the Lord Jesus to teach them to pray, He gave them a model prayer. He took them right back here to David’s prayer. “Your kingdom come” was in the heart of David. This is one of the greatest prayers in the Scriptures and certainly in the Old Testament. It is all–comprehensive, majestic and filled with adoration, praise and thanksgiving. It rejects all human merit and declares human dependence upon God. It reveals self–humiliation, confession, and dedication of self. It admits that all belongs to God. David recognized that the kingdom is God’s. The Lord Jesus laid hold of this to teach His disciples. The Scriptural concept of the Kingdom is both an eternal kingdom and a temporal kingdom. It is a universal kingdom and a local kingdom. It is immediate, and it is mediated. Generally speaking, it is the reign of heaven over earth. When God created Adam, He gave him dominion. Now what does He mean by “the kingdom”? It is the rule of God over the earth. It is a prayer for the recovery of the earth, to bring it back under the rule of God. I hope you don’t think that God is ruling the earth today. If He were, we would not have heartbreak, tears, disappointments, nor wars. This is the kingdom we should pray for. It will only come through divine protocol, and the divine aspects will be adhered to. Man will not be able to build this kingdom here on this earth; only the Lord Jesus Christ can establish the Kingdom. “Yours is the kingdom.” The Lord’s Prayer is good for private devotion. “Yours is the kingdom” ought to be the prayer of every believer. David was looking forward to the coming of the Kingdom upon this earth. Are you? That will be a glorious day!

