Proverbs 28:20 – A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.
You see here that a faithful man is one who is honest and who does not covet great wealth. This man will be richly blessed. Conversely, the man who seeks to enrich himself quickly by unethical means will be punished. Although they are good things to work towards, you should never be in a hurry to be promoted or get ahead. Instead, be faithful right were God has you and He will bring you greater blessings than you would ever receive by your own hands. Faithfulness to God is what determines success in this life. What benefit will you receive, if at the end of your life your bank account is full, but your relationship with your spouse, your family and your friends are all empty? It will always be much better to have lived a life full of deep and meaningful personal connections, rather than a career that kept you from those relationships that produce rich memories.
Do you find yourself overcome by the urgency to have more in your life? Feeling as though you never have enough to meet your physical wants and desires? Your challenge this week is to practice striving for faithfulness in the smallest of tasks. Does your job require you to be at the office at 8:00, but you never get there before 8:15? Make a point to be on time or even early this week. Do you manually keep track of your work hours each day, rounding your time up to the nearest hour or two? Be faithful to your employer by being honest on your timecard. You see, it is being honest in every area of your life, that will build a reputation of loyalty and respect from others. Work hard at your job, but don’t neglect time with your spouse. Be a team player at the office, but don’t miss your kids sporting events. Be their biggest fan and constantly support them in what they love to do. This is what pleases and honors God. This is what being faithful is all about. God bless you.