Hebrews 13:16 – But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

When you provide a meal for a friend during their recovery from surgery or when you pickup someones mail while they are out of town you were offering a sacrifice to God. Things like that are well pleasing to the Lord and He takes delight in your providing assistance to others. You see, if Christianity does not motivate you to practice and exercise your faith, it is no good at all. The Lord Jesus is at the right hand of God as Head of the church, but His feet are down here right where the rubber meets the road walking through your footsteps.


Who do you know that could use a helping hand with a certain task? Do not forget about those who have a need that you can meet for them. This week your challenge is to seek out opportunities to show the love of Christ by serving a specific need in the life of someone you know. Take your friends children to the movies so they can get some much needed chores completed. Do you know a college student that could use a breakfast table, couch or dresser that you have in your basement? Offer to bring it over to them. Have you ever considered visiting someone in the hospital or a nursing home and just sit and talk to them for an hour or two? Little things like this will bless them immensely and God will be well pleased with you. Make a small difference in someones life throughout the week. To God be all the glory.