Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

The call to courage addressed to Joshua was based on the promise of God’s presence. This did not minimize the task Joshua faced. He would encounter giants and fortified cities, but God’s presence would make all the difference. The size and duration of the task ahead, the pressures of leading such stubborn  people, and the absence of his spiritual mentor, Moses, were perhaps heavy on Joshua’s mind at this time. But the Lord was not calling Joshua without enabling him. In the same way, God will never call you to a certain task without enabling you effectively for that task. Joshua probably had times when he felt weak, inadequate, and frightened. Perhaps he considered resigning before the Conquest even began. But God knew all about his feelings of personal weakness and fear and told Joshua three times, “Be strong and of good courage.” These charges with their accompanying assurances were sufficient to last a lifetime for Joshua. Believers in all ages can be uplifted by the same assurances.


Here at Calvary Chapel we have a saying that goes like this “Where God guides, He provides.” This has been something that has proved true in every area of life and ministry. The problem is when you feel under equipped for what you are trying to do, it is most likely because God never called you to it in the first place. On the other hand, there are times when you may not try something big because you don’t think you have the ability to bring it to completion. The key to all of this, is knowing that God has called you to do something and trust that He will be with you and empower you to do so. Your challenge this week is to work on not being afraid to try things you feel God is asking you to do and then watch as God helps you to accomplish amazing things. Perhaps God is asking you to serve your wife by doing something around the house for her? Maybe God wants you to help your parents by giving them a date night out during the week? Do you have some friends that you could help with their relationship with God or assist them with inviting Jesus into their hurting marriage? Whatever it may be God wants you to do, be strong and courageous and know God will enable you fulfill His desire for you. God bless you.